Backstage students receive industry insight

7th June 2024

A former Backstage Production Arts student from Stratford-upon-Avon College returned recently to inspire the next generation of technicians.

Rob Clews, who studied at the college in 2007, has been working as a professional in the industry; going from a technician, to Technical Manager at the Belgrade Theatre before becoming a Product Specialist for Sound Technology Ltd, one of the leading suppliers of lighting equipment in the UK.

He visited to run workshops with current student to learn about how to use the recently upgraded technology in the College’s theatres including Martin Professional fixtures and technology.

Backstage students receive industry insight
Rob led a full day workshop with the Backstage Production Arts students

Rob was pleased to come back and work with the students. He commented: “It is so nice to be back and speak to current students! I really enjoyed my time here as a student as it was a great stepping stone into the industry and gave me great training plus networking opportunities. It’s good to show students that there are former students out in the real world successfully working in this industry; that there is real progression, if you work hard.”

The students got the chance to work with the new creative LED lighting system with the Martin VDO Sceptron, plus Rob also brought in new kit to showcase; giving students the chance to see current trends and advancements in the industry.

The students got to take part in practical workshops and gain industry insights from former student Rob

Rob commented: “Students are the future, and we want to invest in the next generation of technicians; these workshops and demonstrations are a great way to inspire and develop their skills.”

Head of Technical Theatre, Louise Millward, was delighted to welcome Rob back to the College: “It is always a pleasure welcoming back former students. As a current industry professional he has been able to share his experiences and industry insights which is a huge benefit to the students.

Also, after the wonderful redevelopment and upgrade of our theatres, it was great for them to learn about how to use the new equipment. This level of learning is something you would usually have to wait for university for.

Finally, it also gives the students a different pathway/opportunity to explore that they may not have thought about. Working in producing, development, maintenance or distribution of new tech is a whole other pathway to consider.”

Find out more about the College’s Backstage Production Arts course: SUAC Onstage