Digital Media student excels on the airwaves

17th May 2024

A Digital Media Production student from Stratford-upon-Avon College has found a passion for broadcasting after undertaking a work placement at a local radio station.

Joe Badger, 17 from Stratford-upon-Avon, undertook a placement with Welcombe Radio and after a successful experience, will be continuing to volunteer at the station.

Joe at welcombe radio

Joe has always had a passion for working in media and decided to attend the College as the course would allow him to develop transferable skills to take into any area of the industry.
As well as boasting top learning facilities in the College’s brand-new TV and Radio studios, another benefit is the focus on practical learning and industry placements.

Welcombe Radio is a local station that provides a welcoming, supportive environment for individuals and groups from the community to broadcast, inform and entertain their fellow community neighbours.

Joe signed up to do one evening show a week with presenters Chris Last and Dave Benton. To begin Joe focused on the presenting side but within a few weeks he was helping to run the tech on the show: “I enjoyed presenting as I am a confident speaker and then to be able to utilise my experience with microphones and tech that I have developed on my course, that was great!”

Joe has thoroughly enjoyed the experience: “I have been welcomed to the team and I feel like I am a real part of it. Sometimes I struggle to see my achievements, but radio has allowed me to see my success and I always leave the studio happy!”

Previously Joe had largely considered a career in the screen industries, however, the placement has opened his eyes to a whole other avenue of work that he really enjoys and is excited to pursue.

Co-host Chris Last has been impressed with Joe’s work. He commented: “I was impressed with how quickly Joe picked up all the aspects of live radio, both presenting and producing. There is a lot going on at once and it can be hard to keep up with it all, but Joe handled it extremely well. He very quickly became an integral part of the team and joined in with our on-air conversations, whilst also keeping all the necessary computer programs going.”

Co-host Dave Benton has worked in radio for over 30 years. He commented: “Personally I have always believed that it is our responsibility to help the next generation of radio presenters/technicians etc and to offer them the opportunity to experience working in a live radio environment whenever possible as I think practical experience is one of the best ways to learn.

I find it great having people who are keen to learn, especially when they have had good training before they come in for the first time. I find that I also learn a lot from them, with new ideas and approaches.”

Due to the successful placement, Welcombe Radio have invited Joe to stay on and volunteer regularly.

Lecturer, Sarah Downing, is pleased with Joe’s success. She commented: “It’s brilliant to hear that Joe’s placement has gone so well. He has shown dedication to the experience, and I’m really pleased that Joe has developed an interest in an area of media that he hadn’t previously considered.”

She also highlights the benefits that work experience placements can bring: “Work experience provides students with a hands-on experience in the industry. It enables them to apply skills that they’ve learned on the course and to continue developing them in a real-world setting.”

Find out more about the College’s Digital Media Production course: Digital Media Production