A Sport student at Stratford-upon-Avon College has secured a place at Leeds Beckett University where she is set to study Sport & Exercise Therapy from September.
Holly Thomas, 18 from Wythall, was raised in a sporting environment and was always encouraged to explore her passion for sport. When choosing what to study after her GCSEs, she knew Sixth Form was not the right option for her, she says: “I wanted an environment where we gain independence and that’s exactly what Stratford College offers, we aren’t pressurised, we are treated as adults, as equals, and I value that.”

Holly recently coached her classmates as part of her final assessment at college under the guidance of her lecturer, Enrique Cárdenas who commented: “I met Holly almost 2 years ago and very soon I am sending her away to University. I’m incredibly proud and this is the reason why I do this job.”
What is it like being a female on a Sport course at SUAC? Holly explains: “There aren’t a lot more boys on the course than girls so it’s quite equal. Your passion and drive for the vocation is all that really matters on this course. You have to be dedicated and not let fear get in the way of competing with your male peers. Everyone on the course is lovely, no one makes you feel out of place, we’re like a family.”
Holly urges primary schools to foster a more encouraging environment for young girls to play sport. She comments: “Quite often in primary and high schools there will be a difference between how they approach sport with boys and girls. Coming from a sporting environment this didn’t affect me but if you don’t have that family influence then it can affect you. In College, it’s not like that at all. Right from the off, we were clearly equals to our lecturers regardless of our background or gender.”
Holly recently coached her classmates who she feels have become family over her last two years at SUAC
After exploring various options for university, Holly was grateful to her lecturer Amanda Glover for helping her find her ideal career choice in Sports Therapy, she reflects: “The UCAS sessions with Amanda were very helpful and being able to talk to her about her professional career helped me understand what the best option was for me.”
With her university place ready and her College course nearing to an end, Holly eagerly awaits her move to Leeds where she will undoubtedly flourish like she has done at Stratford as she takes the next step towards her sport therapy career.