Lecturer completes 100km cycle challenge in memory of sister

18th October 2021

A lecturer from Stratford-upon-Avon College has completed a 100km cycle challenge to raise money for the Women v Cancer charity in memory of her sister.

Sara Greedy, an Early Years and Childhood Studies lecturer, battled against rain, wind and steep hills to complete the staggering 100km course from London to Brighton on her bike. Sara signed up to do a cycling challenge in memory of her sister, Nicola Williams, who passed away from Ovarian Cancer on her 55th birthday in 2015. Originally, Sara signed up for the Kenya Cycle Challenge, however due to the pandemic, the challenge was altered to the gruelling London to Brighton course.

Sara Greedy with cycling partner at start line at stratford-upon-avon college
Sara with friend Jayne at the start of the race

The challenge itself took place on Saturday October 2nd and the race began at 7.15am. Armed with Jelly babies and home-made flapjack, Sara and her friend Jayne, a former colleague and a breast cancer survivor, set off. Though the weather started off dry, it soon turned into a downpour. Sara comments: “Hail, rain, yeah it was pretty horrendous! I was going over a high bridge at one point and was nearly blown off my bike three times!”

With treacherous conditions, high speed traffic and petrol queues obscuring signage leading to getting lost, at times Sara admitted she felt like giving up.

“At the lunch stop I had got lost, couldn’t find my friend and I thought I couldn’t do this. I messaged my husband who responded with, ‘Don’t forget what Nikki would say – Man Up!’. That really hit home and reminded me why I was doing it…I think my sister was sat on my shoulder saying ‘get on with it!’ and that’s what kept me going.”

After 7 hours and 44 minutes, 64.77 miles and nearly 4500ft worth of inclines, Sara made it to the finish line. With an original goal of £3500 to raise for her chosen charities, Sara smashed that target and the grand total now stands at over £4000. The money will be split between Breast Cancer Now, Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust and Ovarian Cancer Action.

Looking back on her achievement Sara comments: “It was one hundred times harder than expected. I can’t actually believe I did it! But I think Nikki would be proud of me. I hope my effort will help others cope and go towards more research to help find a cure.”

The College congratulates Sara on her amazing achievement. If you would like to donate you can do so via her JustGiving page.